Free Printable Princess Party Photo Booth Props
You can have a princess party for your little girl on her birthday or just like that. We have created some adorable and many Free Printable Princess Party Photo Booth Props. You can print these props using your home printer. These props are really easy to assemble.
You can use a heavy card stock paper to print these props. You can also print these on any printer paper or sticker paper and then paste that paper on a heavy card stock before cutting it around the edges. Paste the props on popsickcle sticks or wooden skewers.
In order to save a prop, just click on it's thumbnail image and a bigger printable image will open up. You can then right click and save that image.

Free Printable Cupcake, Rose and Makeup Props
Click on the thumbnail image of these various adorable and fre printable princess party photo booth props. This sheet of printables include a cupcake, rose, nail polish, lipstick and a makeup brush.
Tea Pot, Milk Pot and Sugar Pot Props
This is an adorable set of props that include a teapot, milk pot and sugar pot. Just click on the thumbnail images of these props and then right click and save the bigger image. Print these props on a card stock and cut around the edges. You can use these props as a back drop image of your princess party's photo booth as well.
Free Printable Pink Balloon Photo Booth Prop
This is another free printable princess party photo booth prop of a pink balloon with stars made all over it.
Princess Tiara Photo Booth Prop Printable
This is an adorable photo booth prop for your princess party. It is prop of a tiara with pink and white pearls all over it. You can adjust the size of this tiara while printing it, through the print settings of your printer.
Free Printable Cake Prop
This is a free printable prop of cake and roses in a plate.
Free Printable Princess Shoe Photo Booth Prop
This is another free printable prop of a princess's shoe or Cinderella's glass shoe.
Frog Prince Photo Booth Prop
This is another adorable and free printable pricess party prop. A cute frog with blushing cheeks has worn a crown on his head. You can also use it as a backdrop of your photto booth.
Free Printable Princess Hair Brush Prop
This is a free printable prop of a hair brush of a princess. The girls will love it at your princess party.
Princess Ring Prop
This is another prop of a cute princess ring, with a big jewel in it.
Free Printable Princess Lips Photo Booth Props
Adorable and free printable princess lips props. You can find more free printable lips props on this page.
Princess and Love Props
Here are two adorable props of words princess and love written inside pink hearts. Just cut these around the edges and ask your princess to hold these while you are taking her picture.
Free Printable Mirror Frame Princess Party Prop
This is a free printable prop of a mirror frame. You can ask the guests to hold it around their face like a picture frame.
Free Printable Princess Mirror Prop
This is another free printable prop of hand mirror of a princess. We just love these princess party props that we have created. Please abide by the terms of use while using these props.
Free Printable Princess Crown Photo Booth Prop
This is a free printable prop of a crown with the word princess written on it.
Princess Pearls Photo Booth Prop
This is another free printable prop of pearls of a princess.
Free Printable Princess Handbag Photo Booth Prop
A cute and free printable photo booth prop of a handbag of a princess.
If you like the props that we have shared on this page, then please share these thumbnaim images (not the printable files) on Pinterest. That would be of great help.